May 7, 2013

Holy Moly

I am probably not going to be able to get out of bed tomorrow morning, which is bad because I have physical therapy tomorrow. Today my Buffalo and I did this ab work out that made my abs scream out in agony! And here I thought I was physically fit all this time boy, was I wrong. But I think I can manage the pain cause when swimming season is in full swing I will be able to rock my bikini with some awesome abs!
Yesterday my Buffalo and I went to this book store, (which I am in love with now, so many books!) and I found out I can have some store credit if I bring in some of my already loved books. So I did. After we left there I came home and found four, yes Four, big monsterous bags worth of books and got around $106 worth of store credit! I did use a little bit of it and got a nice box set of The Hobbit and all of the Lord of The Rings books and the first book to another series that my sweetie likes, thought I would give it a try.
I can't wait to read all my new books and get some more! But, before I can start another one I am going to make myself finish the one I already started. So off to read I go, toodles!
P.S. Sorry about the quality of the picture, I took it with my phone and wrote this post with my phone.

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